Devolution and Local Government Reform
There have been reports in the news recently about government plans to change how councils are organised and how the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) makes investments. The changes to councils include devolution, under which a new strategic authority with a Mayor may be set up covering both Norfolk and Suffolk. There are also proposals to replace the current county and district council arrangements with single (unitary) authorities. These changes will not affect your LGPS benefits - your pension is safe and guaranteed.
LGPS investment reform
Following the Chancellor’s Mansion House Speech, the Government has published a consultation on Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) investments. Please be assured that the proposals do not impact on the benefit structure of local government pensions. Pensions accrued and pensions payment are unaffected and outside the scope of the reform proposals. The Norfolk Pension Fund is currently reviewing the consultation and intends to respond in due course.
Pension fraud victim is scammed out of £45,000
Pauline Padden, 60, a children's critical care nurse from Merseyside, lost her entire £45,000 pension savings to fraudsters. Pauline was one of 245 victims scammed out of a total of more than £13.5m in pension savings after they were persuaded to transfer into fraudulent schemes. Please stay vigilant and protect yourself from pension scams.
Opens in new window Read more about Pauline's story here
Annual Benefit Statement
The 2024 Annual Benefit Statement for Active members is available to view on Member Self-Service.
Please click on the links below to download documents from your Annual Benefit Statement.
- A Brief Guide to the LGPS
- Active Annual Benefit Statement FAQs
- Deferred Annual Benefit Statement FAQs
- Expression of wish for payment of death grant form
- Option to switch between sections of the Scheme form
Links to useful websites referred to in your Statement are shown below.
- Check your State Pension forecast
- Independent financial advisers in your area
- Help choosing a financial adviser from MoneyHelper
- Check an adviser is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority
- Digital Midlife MOT
- LGPS member website
- HMRC Annual Allowance
- Please tell us what you think survey
The McCloud remedy
Regulations to change the LGPS Rules came into effect from 1 October 2023. We are currently working to implement the remedy to member records. If you qualify for Underpin Protection you do not need to do anything; we will contact affected members in due course.
Opens in new window Find out moreANNOUNCEMENT
Avoiding pension scams
Should you decide to transfer your benefits you should be aware of potential pension scams. Educating yourself and remaining vigilant are key to minimising the risk posed by pension scams.
Opens in new window Read moreANNOUNCEMENT
Digital Midlife MOT
If you’re aged between 44 and 55, the Government provides a digital Midlife MOT to help you check the status of your work, health and money.
Opens in new window Digital Midlife MOTThe Local Government Pension Scheme
Paying in
If you are currently working and paying into the Pension Fund, please click here for more information.
No longer paying in
If you are a member of the Pension Fund and are no longer paying in, but not yet retired, please click for more information.
If you are receiving your pension from the Fund, please click here for more information.
Please click here to find out more about the benefits of the Pension Fund and how you can join.
Managing your pension
Increase my pension
You can pay more to top up your pension. Find out more here.
Leave the scheme
If you have left the LGPS and are joining another scheme you may wish to consider transferring your LGPS benefits to it. Click to find out more.
Register a death
When you die, it is important that the Fund is made aware as soon as possible. Find out more here.
Change my details
If your personal circumstances change, you will need to notify us. Click here for further details.